The catering was done by Karen Smith (she doesn't have a website but she is AMAZING - call me if you need her info!) The flowers were done by Norma Strothers (she doesn't have a website either but again call me if you need her info!) The fabulous cupcake cake was made by Debbie Bowen - (again no website but call me she is fab!)!
The wedding planner was Beth Powell MacKenzie - Beth got married in December and she and I were able to trade services so she was a fabulous helper at my wedding and then I was able to help her with hers! For all of you brides out there I HIGHLY recommend this!
Our wedding was held at Curtis Hall and it was a fabulous location at a VERY affordable price!
Isabel March was our photographer and she is amazing! She took so many wonderful pictures of our wedding and it was really hard to pick just a few to show you!
Thank you to everyone that helped make our day so special! Especially our parents - thank you for everything that you did - and for working so hard to help us!

Great memories of a fun event. I love the one with the wedding party jumping!
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