I spent a few hours at one of my favorite places the other day, Wally's Farm, aka my dad's house. I have a beautiful Lily garden there (it's very very low maintenance!) Here is one of my beautiful lillies!
For as long as I can remember there have always been roses growing next to the garage...
And last but not least I remember when my dad planted this pear tree and it is over 6 feet tall now and growing baby pears
Guess what - My friend Mama cheaps is doing another $100 home depot giveaway! Isn't that fabulous! Do you still need a father's day gift - well you better go enter! There are 9 ways to try to win - so go there now!
Click the button
Oh and you will notice that the mama cheaps button is now permanently on the side of my page - and I would like to add more - so if you own a business send me your button and I will add it!
That's right - It has been a long time coming but the website is officially up and running! And guess what - the first person to book a session gets a half price session! So go check out the site and book your session! http://www.jenniferparkephotography.com/
Thanks Rick for all of your help! You did a great job!
Sorry I have been so quiet - lots going on here at JPP! But I wanted to share this with you - My good friend Mama Cheaps
(go on click it you know you want to!)
Mama Cheaps has really been doing some fabulous things on her site - and right now she has a HUGE givewaway - $100 to Home Depot - what - yes - I am serious! Go there! NOW! enter to win! Oh and tell her I sent you!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I started my photography business almost 3 years ago, since then I became a wife, a social worker, and a mom. Becoming a mom has given me a completely different perspective on (the entire world) photography. Capturing every little detail of my sons life has made me a much better photographer. It has also given me the appreciation of what clients do to prepare for the sessions!
Follow along as I preserve my family's memories and the memories of all of my clients families!
If you are interested in booking a session please send me an email at JenniferParkePhotography@gmail.com